CARE: Conserving Air, Rivers and our Environment
Who are we?
Yough Communities CARE is a group of volunteers who are concerned about the air and water quality of the Lower Youghiogheny River Valley and their impact on the environment.
The Youghiogheny River and the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Bike Trail, that runs along the river, host visitors who want to fish or use the river and ride or walk the trail. As the main economic driver of this area, the preservation of this unique blend of outdoor activities is necessary for the region’s economic strength.
Clean air is a right that everyone in Pennsylvania should enjoy. But, Western Pennsylvania’s history of poor air quality has impacted not only residents, but the natural environment of the Lower Youghiogheny. We oppose any new sources of air pollution and work to improve our current air quality.
Fishing and boating on the Youghiogheny River are major recreational activities in the valley. The Youghiogheny River is considered one of the 10 most endangered rivers in America due to the build out of the natural gas industry. Lower Youghiogheny was named among America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2020. The river and its tributaries must be defended from industrial runoff and other forms of pollution that can endanger aquatic life.
Local residents and visitors who use the GAP Trail and the Youghiogheny River are looking for an enjoyable, relaxing experience with the natural world. That experience is threatened by proposed industrial air and water pollution. We must protect rare, threatened or endangered plants and animals in the Lower Youghiogheny River Valley so future generations can enjoy the beauty of this exceptional area.